AFL Goal Kicking Tips

Apr 13, 2023
AFL Goal-Kicking Tips: Develop Your Consistent Routine

How to develop a consistent AFL goal-kicking routine that will improve your game

by: Sam Parsons

One of the most popular and exciting plays in Aussie Rules Football (AFL) is goal-kicking. An AFL game is decided by who scores the most points, so without a doubt goal-kicking between the two middle posts is crucial to winning and having a routine is key to goal-kicking efficiency.

Goal-kicking requires outstanding physical ability, but also a great deal of mental readiness that can be developed through basic tools. Read on to learn essential tips, tricks and advice for having a consistent AFL goal-kicking routine.

1. Establish a pre-kick routine

Establish a pre-kick routine that you can easily follow and execute on game day. This should incorporate gripping the ball, visualizing the score, calming and measuring your steps from the man on the mark. 

2. Practice different angles and distances

Practice different angles, distances and around distractions to emulate game day goal-kicking. Do this regularly, such as 20 times after each training session. Even if you don’t have goal posts to work with, fashion a target or go through your routine at home with your eyes closed. Your feel for the kick can be just as important as doing the actual kick itself and developing bad habits.

3. Work on the specific areas of your kick

Work on the specific areas of your kick such as alignment, grip, ball-drop and follow-through. You can watch excellent goal-kickers in their approach and notice the things they do well. You can seek the advice of a coach or mentor who specializes in goal-kicking technique. Click here to help you with the fundamentals of your goal-kicking action.

4. Use positive self-talk

Positive self-talk is a powerful tool to remove any doubts you have in the moment. This involves trusting yourself to get the kick right and reaffirm that you can execute the goal-kick in any situation. Self-confidence in your ability is achieved practicing and knowing you have done it before. Use words such as “I can” or “You have got this” are examples of believing in yourself to execute a goal-kick and your actions will respond.

5. Measure your goal-kicking by recording your scoring.

You can track your progress and building confidence with your marked improvement in accuracy by gamifying your goal-kicking. Tally your goal kicking after each training or game, keep a record of how often you practice or types of shots you take. Tally them up over the week to watch your goal-kicking improve week by week. You can even compete against a friend or your previous scores with the objective to be as consistent as possible. Your measurements can help you identify areas for improvement and celebrate your progress.

Enhancing your goal-kicking routine is crucial for an AFL player. Your routine will be developed with practice and patience. Using the tips we have shared, you can be a great goal-kicker by focusing on areas of technique, practice, positive talk, pre-kick routine and measuring your success. Always remember to build your confidence with what works for you as a player, not necessarily what works for others so you can be a valuable player.

Ready to take your AFL game to the next level? Book a session with one of our private AFL coaches today and experience training sessions to help you reach your full potential on the field. Don't wait, start your journey to success now!


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