⚙️ Fix Your Athlete’s Ball Drop With This Simple Trick 🔧

Jan 05, 2024

The ability to execute a precise ball drop is fundamental in numerous sports, particularly in Aussie Rules football. A well-practised and consistent ball drop can significantly impact an athlete's performance, affecting the accuracy, power, and control of their kicks.


The One-Handed Ball Drop


Here's how to do it:

  • Stand with your non-dominant hand behind your back.
  • Hold the ball with your dominant hand.
  • Raise the ball to the desired height.
  • Release the ball and let it drop.
  • Focus on the ball's spin and trajectory.

By practising the one-handed ball drop, athletes can fine-tune their control and ensure the ball consistently drops in the desired spot.


The Targeted Ball Drop


The key steps are as follows:

  • Identify a target on the ground.
  • Focus on your target as you execute the ball drop.
  • Aim to drop the ball consistently onto the target.

By aiming for a specific spot during the ball drop, athletes can enhance their ability to place the ball exactly where they intend to, improving their performance during an actual kick.


The Rhythm Drill


Here's how it can be practised:

  • Stand in your kicking position.
  • Start with a simple, rhythmic ball drop action.

Gradually increase the complexity (range of motion) of the ball drop while maintaining the established rhythm.

Focus on maintaining the same rhythm throughout the drill, even when the range of motion increases

By practising the rhythm drill, athletes can develop muscle memory and a consistent ball drop rhythm, contributing to improved performance in high-pressure situations.


A precise and consistent ball drop is a fundamental skill in football. Athletes looking to enhance their performance should focus on mastering the ball drop through targeted drills and techniques. By incorporating the one-handed ball drop, targeted ball drop, and rhythm drill into their training regimen, athletes can improve their control, accuracy, and overall kicking success on the field. With dedication and practice, athletes can refine their ball drop, taking their performance to new heights.


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